Tuesday, April 1, 2014


wow 2014.
could you be going any faster?!

this month looks like its going to be a busy one for us medical wise. 
J will have his 6 month post transplant assessment (um, wasn't it just yesterday I was sitting in the surgical waiting room?!) and we will have to go back to Toronto for a few days for the testing. 

I have already shipped are 5 dogs off to various places (much easier to split up the big ones and puppies then to try and find one person to take on the job of 5 dogs). 
Oscar will go to my parents. 
Molly will go to my sisters (her kids are in love with molly!).
And the puppies will be going to my friend Courtney's house (which is great because she is buying one of them!)

Hopefully this April we will experience better weather and it will start looking like spring outside! 
Our dogs are definitely hating the prolonged winter we seemed to have this year, and I would love to get the little ones outside to play before they go to their forever homes (*tear!*)

So I say .. 
Dear April, 
Please bring us; 
- good weather 
- a safe trip to Toronto
- positive medical results
- more patience 
- and more smiles

Always remember - April Showers Bring May Flowers 

have a fantastic day lovelies and an even better April 2014!

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